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Dr. Aristotle

How Long Does It Take To Heal?

Far too often in the health care profession, a patient is told after extensive examination, "There is nothing wrong," or "Sorry, you'll have to learn to live with it. ”The examining doctor, unable to find the root cause of the problem, has little else to tell the patient.

Fortunately, many physicians are now referring their patients for a different wellness approach and evaluation.

Once a meridian analysis, medical history, physical examination and labs have been completed and if the case accepted……. the next common question… How long will it take? A small number of patients will experience a worsening of symptoms as the body's energies are returning to normal. This is normal and no need for alarm. It’s followed by improvement as part of the usual healing process.

Wellness care also relies on your self-healing abilities. For acute problems where there has been little or no organ system or tissue damage, results are often permanent. For chronic conditions and depending how much tissue damage exists, symptoms may return from time to time.

Common factors that influence healing:

  1. Scars: From surgery or injury, scars disrupt the energy of a meridian.

  2. Your Original Health Issue: Specific types of health problems will recover faster than others.

  3. How Long You’ve Had The Problem: Health issues that are long-standing heal significantly different that problems that occurred recently…which tend to resolve faster.

  4. Brain-Body Communication: How well your nervous system is communicating with the various organs and structures of your body.

  5. Spinal Structural Integrity: If our tissues, muscles or fascial movements are restricted it can cause interference with the electrical impulses moving through them. Re-establishing structural integrity is the foundation of healing.

  6. Your Current State Of Health: Those who lack the needed vitality find it takes longer to heal. The contributing root cause of deficiencies is generally uncovered and corrected through a detailed biochemistry analysis via blood and urine diagnostics.

  7. Lifestyle Habits: Air. Food. Water. If you’ve supported your health over the years, your current ability to heal will help. It’s your immune system that’s also responsible for your accelerated healing other than just for a cold or flu. What you’re willing to do or stop doing will give your body the best opportunity to heal.

  8. Stress Levels: Physical, chemical or emotional stress will slow healing.

  9. Doctor’s Recommendations: A consistent visit schedule. Missing visits can impede your healing progress.

  10. Release of Old Injuries: This is a retracing or resurfacing where prior symptoms may appear as the body corrects itself during care.

  11. Toxic Metals: Will result in more inflammation making it very difficult for the body to recover.

  12. Electromagnetic Pollution: Healing slows when electromagnetic fields from power lines, computers, TVs, microwaves, and even the electric clock by the bed begins to accumulate, our entire system becomes stressed to the point of exhaustion. Vision declines, our cells diminish the ability to build and repair the body properly, and illness can set in.

Some issues that include calcium deposits, ligament instability, muscle damage or scar tissue can make it difficult to correct BUT supportive care can help keep symptoms at bay and slow progression.

If you have questions about your health problem and factors that are slowing your recovery, ask!

Our primary interest is your health and well-being.


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