You may be familiar with electrical muscle examinations known as EMGs, along with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These tests evaluate the body utilizing electromagnetics.
Science has now confirmed the presence of an energetic meridian system, which controls the flow of electromagnetic energy throughout the body. The Energy Dimension is rooted in the acupuncture meridian system, which was discovered a few thousand years ago. It’s influence on your emotions and physical healing potential is profound.
Modern technology allows us to perform a detailed, in-depth analysis of your body's energy flow using Meridian Imaging techniques. This evaluation will be completed during your visit.
Dr. Aristotle uses one of the most advanced Meridian Imaging methods in the world. This is a revolution in modern Eastern medicine, enhancing the effect of ancient techniques through modern science.
This combination makes your treatment comfortable and effective for accelerated healing. It also provides evidence-based examination data.
This report gives the results of your Meridian Imaging evaluation and is an important component in choosing the most appropriate treatment specific to your health issue.
Your body’s meridian system is similar to radio waves, in that the human eye does not see radio waves, but we understand they exist. A meridian compares to a radio signal in that if a city has 12 radio stations, much like our 12 meridians, it is imperative that each specific station broadcast at its individual frequency.
In other words, if a station is operating at 90.5 on the dial, it comes in loud and clear; however if it’s tuned in at 90.4 or 90.6 the radio broadcast fades and results in static. There is nothing wrong with the radio; the fine-tuning is out of adjustment. A specific adjustment to the radio will bring it into full normalcy as does detailed adjustments to your meridian system bring it into balance.
This is what we measure objectively through Meridian Imaging analysis – your body's electromagnetic resistance at key wellness points. This determines if a meridian is within or outside the normal boundaries of your body by either being too high, too low, extremely split from left to right or (ideally) within normal limits.
Understanding Your Results
The Meridian Analysis & report shows your relative energetic balances in each of the meridian channels. Some of the channels may show energetic disturbances, as indicated by the various colors shown on the graphs.
LU Lung
PC Pericardium
HT Heart
SI Small intestine
TE Triple energizer
LI Large intestine
SP Spleen
LR Liver
KI Kidney
BL Bladder
GB Gall bladder
ST Stomach

The imbalances shown don’t necessarily indicate disease but show energy imbalances in need of correction. Referencing the classical model of Traditional Chinese Medicine, these imbalances, if left uncorrected, may lead to continued problems and symptoms. Therefore, one of your treatment goals will be to provide the specific corrections any imbalances shown in your report.
Dr. Aristotle will review and discuss this report with you and incorporate its findings into your treatment plan. Your treatment will include future meridian examinations to monitor your progress during the course of treatment.